In the coming season (excluding Mondays), from March to May, I shall attempt to complete my (private) “dozen a day”; once completed, these are more than check marks on a lengthy to do list; they are nothing less than the first thousand building blocks of my dream to write,* in the midst of a chaotic but nevertheless contented life.
For years I have written on a hit-and-miss basis; now is the time to change my habits of the past and focus on the future. I have finally succumbed to the wisdom of setting goals, and even making lists. (We’ll see how that goes!)
My primary purpose is to take pleasure in the daily realisation that every choice I make is part of the bigger picture of my life. Insanity is doing (or not doing) the same things year after year and expecting a different result; I’m feeling quite sane as I embark on this exciting eighty-day endeavour.
I’ll be sure to report back in June, one way or t’ other.
*I may share these goals once the challenge has been met.